Just remembered a cute memory.
This one time, after Nate and I had fooled around, we laid on the futon. He was touching my stomach and then he has like "You have such a small belly button!" And I was like whaaat and touched his. I mean, I thought it was normal sized but he claimed it was huge...
I'm a small girl. I'm 5'3" and he's over 6'. He always teases me, small hands, small feet, etc.
I don't know why I thought that was so cute. Just the way he says things randomly.
I've been on Lida (apetite supressent) for about a little over a week now. I've been eating on and off. Anyways, I've been feeling gasy and not like farty, but like it goes up my throat and I have to burp and belch all the time. Well today I ate some cherries and chips...not much. But then I went to the gym and the gasy feeling got so bad I ended up having to go to the bathroom and throw up. I'm wondering if this gasy feeling is because of the lack of food (like those starving children with bloated stomachs) or if it's because of Lida or the lactic acid buildup from the gym (even though I was only running for like 10 mins) or something else...
I just feel shitty. I feel uncomfortable and tired and depressed all the time.
In other news, I finally weighed myself at the gym and I've gone from 113 to 109. Yippie!
June 3, 2008 at 11:54 PM
:O Your eating habits alarm me! But to each his own. I'm really not one to preach.
I think it's cute that he claimed his bellybutton was huge. :D
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