Intimate details

I wish I could stop thinking about him but I guess today is not the day. And I can't stop analyzing it. I pretty much hate him.

A little background info: We're friends and we have the same group of friends. He and his girlfriend broke up at the beginning of the school year, we started hooking up, they got back together, we stopped, but around March we got really drunk and hooked up again. A week later he and his girlfriend break up (they've had issues for a while and fought a lot) and we started hooking up 2-5 times a week for the next 3 weeks.

I thought we were only hooking up. But I've never been so intimate with a hook-up. He started being so affectionate with me the second time around and I started reading too much into it. The worst possible explanation is that I was an intimacy substitute for his girlfriend/ex-girlfriend...but god, how can anyone pretend for so long that another human body is someone else? Especially a friend? It makes me so sad to think he didn't even give a shit, not once, did he even care how I felt.

These are pretty TMI details...

Good behavior

  • Cuddling post-sex, he expects me to stay the night. And it's full-on body-cuddling, like he wraps his legs around mine, shoves one of his legs between mine, etc.
  • Holding me while we sleep all night. Is that normal?
  • Tickles me, nuzzles me, kisses my stomach, back, legs, arms, everywhere in just seems like a very sweet gesture
  • This one night we walked back from a club and it was freezing. When we got back to his room he wrapped me in his blanket, held me and rubbed me all over and rubbed my cold, wet feet.
  • One night he made me really mad (morning after pill incident, see below) and I cried. The next day we talked and he apologized over and over
  • Kisses me in front of people
  • Gives me his shirt when I'm cold

Bad behavior

  • Complains that I am too quiet around him, that I never hang out with him, I always seem like I'm mad at him and don't like him...but then doesn't wanna talk about it the next day
  • 12 hours after we last hooked up, he starts hitting on another girl. Completely ignores me even when I try to talk to him.
  • Never calls. Never makes an effort to chill with me (but he doesn't make an effort with anyone)
  • Did not care I had to take the morning after pill once. At least not enough to talk to me about it.
  • Can be mean when he's drunk, yells at me, etc

I hate this. I want to be over him. I hope I don't see him Saturday at the party. Really really need to be over him this summer...because since we're in the same group of friends? We'll be seeing each other all the time next year. Our houses are close. Our houses are already planning shitshows together. We're in the same football seating group. It's just gonna be like freshman year again, so I really really need to deal.

He's not even a good guy. He was cheating on his gf all year and not just with me. And he claimed to love her. What a bastard.


  Ella Gregory

May 16, 2008 at 2:13 PM

I think you can find someone who has just as many good qualities but not as many bad ones!