One last thing before bed...

Since I am poor (I decided to waste my money on booze and bud alllll-year long, without a job), I cannot shop. The last thing that I bought was a BCBGeneration dress. While I got many compliments, this was 2 weeks ago.
In high school, I bought amazing shit EVERY WEEK.
God, what college does to a girl.

Anyways, tomorrow I'm going through my (meager) closet again and coming up with some outfits because I have not done so in such a long long time...
Some old ones, just to reminisce
Lacoste polo, AE tweed skirt
Free People dress (alas, I underestimated the power of the dryer machine and now it is bordering on too-short to wear)

DKNY shirt, Paper denim & cloth jeans
Au revior...



May 14, 2008 at 6:21 PM

i love your style and your choices on what to spend your money on ;)